Grant Scheme closed (application deadline 12 September 2022)
Travel Grants to attend the VALIDATE 2023 Annual Meeting (LMIC Members)
We are very pleased to announce that a number of travel grants are now available from VALIDATE to enable low and middle-income country (LMIC) members to join the 2023 Annual Meeting in-person. Up to £3000 per person is available, to cover travel and subsistence costs. Applications are reviewed and awarded by the VALIDATE Network Management Board (NMB).
We particularly welcome applications from Early Career Researcher Associate VALIDATE members who do not have their own funding available.
To apply, please submit the application form template on our website, following the application guidance document (both documents can be found under the 2023 Annual Meeting section).
This call closes at 4pm GMT on Monday 12th September 2022, with NMB review on 19th September, in order to give awardees time to book travel and apply for visas.
Published: 15 August 2022