VALIDATE is helping to coordinate equipment transfers between our members, with the aim of connecting researchers who have surplus equipment they want to get rid of with members who would be able to use the equipment in their lab or clinic. Priority will be given to researchers based in LMICs to receive equipment.
If you or your research group have any spare equipment that you would be willing to pass on then please let us know at - we will then email our members and help to set up a suitable exchange.
Available equipment
Members will be notified by email of any equipment that is offered via VALIDATE in the future.
Completed exchanges
2022: donations from UKHSA:
- QIA machine, Olympus microscope, liquid nitrogen dewar - to Haramaya University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ethiopia
- QIA machine - to University of Buea, Cameroon
- Plate reader - to University of Delhi, India
- Olympus microscope, fridge, QIA machine, digital camera, 2x vortex mixer, ultrasonic processor, fume hood - to Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
October 2021: donations from Public Health England (PHE) shipped:
- Hettich benchtop centrifuge with temperature control - to Elizade University, Nigeria
- MSE Microcentaur micro centrifuge - to University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
- Grant Instruments Shaking water bath OLS 200 - to University of Buea, Cameroon
- Clifton static water bath & Microscope - to Haramaya University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ethiopia
October 2020: 51 laboratory coats donated by Public Health England (PHE) distributed between University of Douala (Cameroon), MMRC (Tanzania), and Université des Sciences de la Santé (Gabon) for use by students and staff.
June 2020: Olympus CKX41SF inverted microscope with fluorescence donated by Public Health England (PHE) to Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
December 2018: BACTEC MGIT machine donated to UVRI, Uganda from the University of Oxford/APHA, UK.