VALIDATE One Health Workshop - Report

VALIDATE One Health Workshop

The VALIDATE Workshop on One Health in TB and Leishmaniasis, held in Paarl, South Africa, from September 4th to September 6th, 2023, convened 34 VALIDATE members and global experts to explore the One Health approach's application in developing vaccines for Tuberculosis (TB) and Leishmaniasis. Over three days, the workshop featured a diverse range of talks, panel discussions, and collaboration-building opportunities, shedding light on cross-species disease transmission, genomic surveillance, and health system challenges. This international gathering emphasized the critical importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in the quest to combat these devastating diseases and underscored the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health in our pursuit of effective vaccines.

The workshop's outcomes are expected to play a pivotal role in shaping future research and collaboration efforts in the fight against TB and Leishmaniasis, reaffirming the significance of the One Health model in addressing complex global health challenges.


We will keep members up to date with all of the outcomes of the Workshop and you can read a short report on the three days on the One Health Workshop webpage