VALIDATE Seminar Feb 2019

2nd VALIDATE seminar confirmed


Apologies to our members that our planned seminar series had to take a backseat in 2018 to other priorities. We feel the seminars are an important way to highlight members' research and key topics in our field, and to stimulate new research ideas and collaborations, so we're delighted to be instigating the seminar series as originally planned in 2019! Our first seminar this year will be “Developing a better vaccine against TB” by Prof Helen McShane (VALIDATE Network Director) and post-doc Dr Rachel Tanner, both from University of Oxford. 


The VALIDATE seminars will run each term and will consist of an Investigator and an Associate VALIDATE member discussing a topic in their field that they believe will have cross-pathogen interest for VALIDATE members. All our seminars are live-streamed so that you can benefit from our speakers wherever you're based in the world.


This talk will be on Friday 15th February 2019 at 12 noon (UK time), and can be watched online here.  Viewers will be able to ask questions via Twitter by posting to #VALIDATEevents.


An abstract for this talk and further details about our seminars, both past and future, can be found on the VALIDATE website seminars page.


Published: 5 February 2019 

VALIDATE seminar - Developing a better vaccine against TB