Weekly round-up #15

Weekly round-up #15

We've had our first big publicity this week, with VALIDATE featured in the BSI (British Society of Immunology) November magazine. Dr Martin Broadstock at the MRC authored an article "The Network effect: promoting collaborative research" about vaccine R&D and the MRC's five networks - including us! Read the article here.


Back in the office, there are a number of new funding and job opportunities to flag to you all:

Funding opportunities

  • MRC/DfID: African Research Leader scheme 2018
  • HIC-Vac: pump-priming grants, Jan 2018
  • IMPRINT: Fellowships, Jan 2018   
  • Newton: Fellowships, Research Mobility, and Young Investigator Awards for UK researchers in Brazil, Feb 2018

Job opportunities

  • Research Fellow (Burkholderia), Queen's University Belfast, UK
  • Research Group Leader, University of Cambridge, UK 
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Reader in Immunology, University of Bristol, UK


And of course we opened our mentoring call this week - Associate VALIDATE members can apply for a more Senior Researcher at a different institute to guide and mentor them in 2018. There are many benefits to having a mentor, so apply before 14th December. Find out more about mentoring and how to apply here.


We've also spotted a publication that may be of interest to our members: "Development of a non-human primate BCG infection model for the evaluation of candidate tuberculosis vaccines" is out in Tuberculosis this month, with many VALIDATE members among the authors. If you have a publication you'd like us to flag on this website, just get in touch.


This week on Twitter we've hit 100 followers, which is an exciting milestone. Join us there for a Wellcome Trust questionnaire to help review PhD training in the UK, the launch of an open access publishing platform for African researchers, a Royal Society call for ideas on what European research and innovation might look like post-Brexit, a handy WHO leishmaniasis infographic, medscilife stories on work/life balance by senior researchers, and much more @NetworkValidate.


We'll be at the BSI Congress in Brighton, UK, next week (5th December), so hope to see many of you there - come and say hi at our stand in the Foyer!


Published: 28 November 2017 

MRC Vaccine Discovery Routemap