Weekly round-up #154

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Weekly Round-up #154

Welcome to Weekly Round-up #154.

Tomorrow is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. VALIDATE will be joining the global science community to recognise the critical role women and girls play in science and technology and to support full and equal access to and participation in science around the world.

Throughout tomorrow, VALIDATE will be celebrating the amazing work of our women members with a series of infographics. We'd love you all to get involved, by emailing us with a short and positive statement about being a woman in science if relevant, and by engaging on social media on Thursday and sharing information and our infographics to celebrate this day.

International Women and Girls In Science Day
International Women and Girls In Science Day
International Women and Girls In Science Day



Title: International Women and Girls In Science Day



International Women and Girls In Science Day
International Women and Girls In Science Day
International Women and Girls In Science Day


Find all other funding opportunities on our external funding page.

Training Opportunities and Events

More opportunities are to be found on our Training and Events pages.


Job Opportunities:

There are many more relevant career opportunities on our jobs page.


Check out our Publications Page for members' publications and email validate@ndm.ox.ac.uk if you have a paper you would like to add.

Highlights on Twitter this week:

Jenner Vaccine Trial shared our video “A Vaccine for Leprosy?”, we reminded followers about our upcoming event 'BCG Then and Now', and we shared details of a new TB treatment that reduces the number of pills needed. LSHTM are holding some Doctoral Studies Open Evenings, we shared a National Geographic article about badger TB in the UK as well as a piece from RSHTM discussing ending NTDs in Nigeria, and the Vaccine Confidence Project tweeted a Vox article about talking to vaccine-hesitant family members. On the lead up to Valentines Day The Stop TB Partnership will be interviewing couples who are fighting TB around the world and the 80 year old Chief Medical Advisor to the US President, Dr Anthony Fauci, has stated he won’t retire until he has looked at tackling the COVID, HIV, malaria and TB pandemics. Follow @NetworkVALIDATE on Twitter and take part in International Women and Girls in Scoence day using the #February11 hashtag. 


Published: 10 February 2021