Weekly round-up #251

Open Access Fund

Open Access Fund

A reminder about another way VALIDATE can support the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of its members. We have recently received funding to support covering costs of publishing your original peer-reviewed articles in open-access.

The scheme is open to LMIC members (including Associates and early-PI Investigators) as this has two main benefits:

  1. Increased visibility and citations of the article and its authors
  2. Access to the article for all VALIDATE members, disseminating information and widening access to VALIDATE-relevant research

Find out more about this opportunity on the Open Access Fund page.

Upcoming VALIDATE Seminars - 

We have two excellent seminars coming up this quarter. 

  • A Double Bill with Institut Pasteur de Tunis - 25 January 2023 at 14:00 GMT
    Professor Makram Essafi will speak about his work on targeting the FOXO3 transcription factor as a host-directed approach to enhance the efficacy of BCG against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Professor Dhafer Laouini will then discuss the Institut Pasteur de Tunis’ work on a Vaccine against human leishmaniasis.


  • One Health and a retrospective study of laboratory-based melioidosis surveillance in Thailand - 22 February 2023 at 15:00 GMT
    It is well-recognized that melioidosis is endemic in most parts of Thailand. However, the prevalence of melioidosis in humans and animals, and the occurrence of its pathogen, Burkholderia pseudomallei, in the natural environment of southern Thailand has not been updated for a long time. In this seminar, Dr Apichai Tuanyok will discuss his team’s “One Health” approach and multidisciplinary research to investigate the epidemiology of melioidosis in southern Thailand. 



You can find a list of all relevant external funding we've spotted for our members on our external funding page.​​

Training Opportunities and Events:

Find more event opportunities on our Training and Events pages.


Job Opportunities:

Other relevant career opportunities are on our jobs page.



Check out our Publications Page for members' publications and email VALIDATE@ndm.ox.ac.uk if you have a paper you would like us to include.


Highlights on Twitter this week:

The Philippines is considering a bill making vaccines (including BCG) mandatory, a 3rd year PhD student wrote about his plans for his final year in Nature Careers, and The Ken discussed India’s need for an adult BCG. Nature Careers discussed how a growing number of scientific faculty positions are focusing on the science of teaching, and the Times South Africa reported in the new SATVI/UCT Vaccine initiative. We promoted our Open Access Fund, the WHO establishes a council focused on accelerating TB vaccine development (also reported by Telesur and the UN), and researchers in Colorado State (including VALIDATE Member Marcela Henao-Tamayo) discovered a link between vaccine efficacy and environmental pathogens.

Keep up to date with all the relevant news and opportunities by following @NetworkVALIDATE on Twitter.


Published: 18 January 2023