As part of VALIDATE's UNGA campaign, VALIDATE Director Professor Helen McShane met with Nick Herbert MP and other TB researchers at University of Oxford to talk tuberculosis and the importance of the UNGA High Level Meeting on TB this September. As part of the Global TB Caucus Nick is a strong advocater for TB and TB research, and he reiterated the importance of the upcoming UN General Assembly meeting on TB - and how we all need to push our MPs to garner attendance at the September meeting by Theresa May and other global leaders across the world to signal the importance, and prioritisation, of TB globally. So - a call to arms! - we're asking all VALIDATE members to please petition your local Member of Parliament (or equivalent in your country). You can use our templates to make this quick and simple - and do let us know how you get on.
Meeting with our own local Oxfordshire MP, Layla Moran, a few weeks ago has led to her contacting the UK Secretary of State for International Development (Penny Mordaunt MP) about the accelerated need to confront the TB epidemic and the importance of high level attendance by the UK at the UNGA meeting, so let's keep the pressure on and keep this meeting high on our MP's agendas. A big thank you to Nick and Layla for their efforts in this area.
Other news this week:
- 2 PhD studentships available in basic and clinical science through the Fogarty HIV-associated TB training program - closes 21 Sept 2018
Plus for plenty of open funding calls check out our external funding list.
Training Opportunities:
Events: none new, but lots for you to consider attending on our external events page, and don't forget to put the VALIDATE 2nd Annual Meeting in your diary for 6-7 November 2018 (plus a workshop on the 5th for our Associate and student members) - registration will open shortly on our website.
Job Opportunities: no new vacancies this week, but lots of open jobs on our listing.
Papers of interest:
Let us know when you publish any papers so we can highlight them.
On Twitter this week we've found: serious outbreaks in measles across the world; videos are now available from the NC3Rs experimental design workshop; just 10 days left to apply for travel bursaries to attend the Gnatwork's (one of our sister GCRF networks) first conference and workshop in Bangladesh; a Wellcome poll for researchers asking for your views on international movement in science; a call out to the fact that 4657 people die every day from TB; newspaper coverage of the 'long road to recovery' for an Australian sporting icon who got melioidosis; advice on how to design an award-winning conference poster; and an interesting Nature article on delivering science in resource-poor regions. All this and more @NetworkVALIDATE.
Published: 25 July 2018