Deadline for applications: 31 Jan 2020
The AfOx Research Development Awards (ReDA) are a competitive pump-priming fund aimed at supporting previous AfOx Travel Grant recipients & Visiting Fellows from African institutions to follow up on ideas developed during their interactions with Oxford-based colleagues.
The Awards are intended to help stimulate larger collaborative projects that will strengthen Africa-Oxford partnerships and make the collaborating partners competitive for future major awards. They are expected to support the formation of equitable partnerships with Oxford and other colleagues. Projects may involve preliminary data collection, analysis of existing data, scaling up of existing research or the development of novel tools and methodologies. 6 grants of up to £50,000 each will be awarded
Applications should be submitted by 31st January 2020. The projects must be completed by May 2021
What for?
Past AfOx Fellows and Travel Grant recipients.
Administration of the award will be the responsibility of the home department of the Oxford applicant including visa, travel and other financial expenditure.
Applicants will be required to submit a brief report within one year of the award to give details of outputs arising from the collaborative visit.
Eligibility - The awards are open to all academic disciplines
Only previous AfOx Travel Grant recipients and Visiting Fellows are eligible to apply (see the full list here)
-Applications must be made jointly between academics or researchers based in an African institution and at the University of Oxford.
-Applications with a multi-disciplinary focus or supporting the work of multiple visiting fellows or travel grant recipients will be encouraged (the list of our previous Fellows and Travel Grant recipients can be found here).
-The proposal must clearly address at least one Sustainable Development Goal. It will need to demonstrate how the proposed activities will bring benefits to the chosen area of study, and how those activities will generate societal benefits beyond providing knowledge and understanding in the area of focus.
-The funding must demonstrably benefit the African institutions involved.
-The funding can be managed either by the host African institution or if preferred, by the partner Oxford department.
For more details, or to apply, visit the call webpage.