Date: 10-15 May 2020 **NB application deadline 8 Jan 2020**
Location: WACBIP, Ghana
Deadline to register: 8 Jan 2020
The West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens (WACCBIP), in collaboration with the University of Glasgow, is organising a training course in bioinformatics from May 10 to May 15, 2020 at the University of Ghana.
The course is designed for individuals with experience in bioinformatics and genomics data analysis, who are able to work confidently with Linux and R or Python. To be considered as having the requisite experience, applicants would be expected to have led on several projects in the analysis of OMICS data. The course will cover topics including transcriptomics, cluster analysis & differential expression in bulk RNA-Seq and single cell RNA-Seq, efficient variant calling and analysis, concepts for efficient data analysis, and machine learning.
Interested persons should complete the online application form by January 8, 2020. Applicants are expected to submit proof of experience and possession of their own data upon application and through a letter of endorsement from a sponsor. You will need a letter from a sponsor, as well as their contact details.
Course Cost: US$1000 for academics/US$2000 commercial. Fully funded bursaries (flight, accommodation & course fee) are available.
For more details, or to apply, visit the course webpage.