BBSRC invites applications for projects of up to 12 months in duration, which involve international people exchanges (interchanges) between UK academic institutions and user organisations that operate within countries on the DAC list. Users of research can include private businesses, third sector organisations (for example, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), or public bodies including government departments, local government, and regulatory authorities).
The International Flexible Interchange Programme (I-FLIP) aims to increase and accelerate the uptake and impact of previous BBSRC funded research through facilitating knowledge exchange activities that deliver direct tangible and demonstrable benefits to users. I-FLIP will provide funding to directly address challenges faced by developing countries by supporting the movement of people between the UK academic base and user organisations in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs).
BBSRC encourages applicants to be innovative in their approaches to accelerate the uptake of BBSRC-funded research by users through international knowledge exchange activities. The I-FLIP call will fund activities that aim to achieve outcomes that deliver impact for the direct benefits of the DAC list country(ies).
Up to £600,000 is available in total, subject to the quality of proposals received, with the aim of supporting between 10 and 12 projects. Applications can be up to £70,000 per project (at 100% of the full economic cost).
Funds may be requested for up to 12 months. All projects must be completed by 31 March 2020.
Find out more and how to apply here.