Closing dates: 1 Feb 2019; 1 May 2019; 1 Aug 2019; 1 Nov 2019
As part of its role as a charitable organisation, the BSI will support the travel costs for members who wish to attend meetings and congresses, both domestic and international; or, for example, those who wish to visit laboratories for specific short-term activities, such as collaborative research, or in order to learn new techniques. This is subject to them meeting the assessment criteria for these awards.
Maximum awards are currently as follows: £500 for travel within the UK ; £700 for European travel and £1000 for rest of the World. These rates are based for UK applicants, if you are an overseas applicant the rates will be applied according to your place of residence for example £500 if traveling within home country. Please contact the BSI if you have any queries.
To be eligible to apply:
- Applicants need to have been a member of the society for at least twelve months prior to the deadline on the closing date of the travel award round applied to
- All applicants must to be in good standing with their annual subscriptions when applying and receiving travel awards
- Applicants must not have received one of the following Society Travel Awards/Bursaries in the 12 months before the closing date of the round applied to: BSI Travel Award, ECI Bursary and IUIS
- Incomplete applications will be rejected
Find out more and how to apply here.