MRC are looking for research-qualified (PhD or MD) healthcare professionals at consultant level or equivalent, not currently undertaking any substantial research activity, to take part in collaborative high-quality research partnerships with established leading biomedical and health researchers.
We welcome project proposals across all remit and interest areas of MRC and the National Institute for Health Research. Your project can range from basic discovery science to translational and applied health research.
You can address research questions from disease-specific mechanistic hypotheses through to research in priority areas such as primary care, population health, public health, mental health, molecular pathology and other areas, as outlined in MRC’s strategic plan.
We also welcome applications which address global health issues and primarily benefit those living in low and middle-income countries, or applications proposing interdisciplinary approaches.
Your proposed project should be tailored to your interests and expertise and those of your research partner and designed to provide a mutually beneficial collaboration. The awards are flexible so you can tailor the support to your individual collaborative plans.
Awards will be for at least one year and no more than three years. Each award will provide between 20% to 50% of your basic salary to support protected research time and costs to undertake the project.
We do not expect salaries of research staff other than the applicant to be costed into the application. For example:
- co-investigators
- postdocs
- research fellows
- research assistants.
Staff costs can be requested where essential for the delivery of the project. For example, to assist data collection in another country, requirement for an independent statistician, a trial coordinator for blinding participants in a trial, this is not an exhaustive list.
Costs should be reasonable, fully justified and only form a small part of the request for funding.
You can find out more on the call webpage.