The UCL Centre for Clinical Microbiology (CCM) has obtained funding from the European Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) to expand the work of Professor Ali Zumla and Professor Tim McHugh in building Africa-Europe research and training networks on TB, HIV, Malaria, and for tackling Emerging and Re-Emerging infectious diseases with epidemic potential.
We are seeking two Post Doctoral Research Associates to support this work.
PANDORA-ID-NET (Pan-African Network for Rapid Research, Response, Relief and Preparedness for Infectious Diseases Epidemics) is a multidisciplinary consortium to build effective epidemic outbreak response capacities across all regions of sub-Saharan Africa.
The consortium aims to strengthen regional and pan-African capacities and systems for enabling rapid and effective response to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases threats arising within Africa, or those imported from overseas. During outbreaks PANDORA-ID-NET will switch from a training and research mode to response mode in which it will perform multi-site clinical trials (evaluating rapid diagnostics, biomarkers, a range of treatments, vaccines and operational research studies) obtaining accelerated evidence for optimal clinical management of patienst, infection control measures, surveillance, public health response and vector control programs.
These Post-doctoral Research Associate positions are for scientists to undertake research programmes across the PanDORA network and the associated Networks of Excellence (NoE) projects. The research programmes will serve as a training platform and build infrastructure for preparedness for epidemic response whilst gathering essential date on high consequence pathogens. This will include liaising with UCL colleagues at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, Institute for Global Health, Farr Institute and Department of Science & Technology Studies as well as supervision of the Centre for Clinical Microbiology members of the PanDORA team.
This is an excellent opportunity for post-doctoral scientist to gain experience of research in the context of pandemic response.
The posts are available until the 30th June 2021 in the first instance.