The Clinical Research and Development Fellowship (CRDF) scheme is jointly implemented by EDCTP (the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership) and TDR, the UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases.
TDR will fund fellows employed by academic and research institutions in any low- and middle-income country (including in sub-Saharan Africa) to be placed in pharmaceutical companies, PDPs and academic affiliated research organizations, either in or outside of Europe, to be trained and develop new research skills on infectious diseases.
TDR provides fellowships for early- to mid-career researchers and clinical trial staff (e.g. clinicians, pharmacists, medical statisticians, data managers, other health researchers) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to learn how to conduct clinical trials. Successful applicants are placed for 12 months in host training organizations (pharmaceutical companies, product development partnerships (PDPs) or research organizations) and then receive a reintegration plan for 12 months at their home institution.
The grant covers one economy class return air ticket (home – host training organization – home); a monthly stipend of approximately US$ 4000; a one-time allowance of US$ 1500 for educational support materials; health insurance and support to attend relevant meetings during the course of the fellowship, up to a maximum amount of US$ 3000, and access to an alumni website and to the Professional Membership Scheme for clinical trialists website.
A break at 6 months of fellowship may be offered to the fellow to return to their home institution to present to their peers the acquired training and scientific progress made.
The grant also includes provisional funds for reintegration, conditional upon the approval of a progress report and reintegration plan.
Find out more and how to apply here.