Workshop date: 11 Mar 2020
Location: Lelystad, The Netherlands
Deadline for applications: 1 Mar 2020
Summary Animal models used for the study of respiratory infections like tuberculosis, influenza, RSV or others, but also the application of respiratory mucosal vaccination rely on the proper administration of aerosols. Although frequently used, is the characterization and standardization of aerosols often limited and comparability between studies difficult. In this workshop experts on aerosol administration and users of aerosol administration in laboratory animals and large animals will discuss methods and devices for aerosol application and the characterization of aerosols. The workshop is a shared initiative of the EU infrastructure projects VetBioNet and TRANSVAC. The objective is to provide tools and recommendations for the use of aerosols in disease and vaccination studies.
For how to apply, or to find out more about this workshop, visit the TRANSVAC website.