Dr. Aneesh Thakur, Principal Investigator, Laboratory of Vaccine Engineering, and Immunology (LVEI) (https://athakurlab.com) at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization, University of Saskatchewan, Canada is seeking an outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow to join his team.
The project is focused on the formulation and delivery of subunit mucosal vaccines. The ability to induce airway mucosal immunity is an essential property of future subunit vaccines because several pathogens, e.g., respiratory viruses and Mycobacterium tuberculosis enter the human body via the airways. It is well known that protection against these pathogens requires activation of the mucosal immune system, which can only be primed via mucosal vaccine administration. However, little is known about how to design safe nanoparticle-based subunit vaccines optimal for the induction of airway mucosal immunity. The purpose of this project is to elucidate the essential design criteria for protective immunity by inhalable subunit vaccines intended for safe pulmonary administration. The project will combine approaches in formulation, pharmaceutical nanotechnology, imaging, and immunology to achieve the objectives.