Abraham Tekola Gebremedhn


Health Researcher and TB Research Project Field Coordinator 

Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI), Ethiopia

Email: abratekola@gmail.com






Network Affiliate


Research Keywords:




Abraham Gebremedhn is a health researcher who currently works at the Armauer Hansen Research Institute on tuberculosis (TB) research. Abraham has established himself as a dedicated professional committed to advancing our understanding of infectious diseases, having earned a Master of Public Health (MPH) with a specialization in Epidemiology. His academic journey began with a Bachelor of Science in Public Health, which laid the groundwork for his passion and expertise in health sciences. Abraham demonstrated a strong interest in unravelling the complexities of disease dynamics and public health challenges throughout his academic career. He is currently coordinating the field activity of TB research projects, demonstrating his strong leadership and organizational abilities. His efforts at the Armauer Hansen Research Institute have been critical in establishing the institute as a leader in the field. Abraham, an aspiring academic, is about to embark on the next stage of his educational journey by pursuing a Ph.D. His chosen area of study, the integration of genetic epidemiology and infectious disease modelling, demonstrates his dedication to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in these critical areas. This strategic fusion of genetics and epidemiology has the potential to provide insights that could shape future disease prevention and control paradigms.


Key Publications:

  • Phenotypic and genotypic drug susceptibility patterns of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Central and Southern Ethiopia
  • Melaku Tilahun , Teklu Wegayehu , Biniam Wondale , Tewdros Tariku Gebresilase, Tesfaye Gebreyohannes, Abraham Tekola, Mekdes Alemu, Sebsib Neway, Bethlehem Adnew, Maeruf Fetu Nassir, Yonas Kassahun , Abraham Aseffa , Kidist Bobosha
  • Clinical Characteristics and the Relationship between Diabetes Mellitus and COVID-19 Mortality among Hospital Admitted COVID-19 Patients in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Retrospective study. Abraham Geberemedhn1, 2*, Kinfe Haile2, Kidist Bobosha1, Samuel Ayele1, Asmamaw Yalew2, Yemisrach Zewdie1(under revision process)

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