Ananthi Rajendran


Ananthi Rajendran

Ananthi Rajendran

Senior Research Scholar

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India





VALIDATE Role: VALIDATE Network Affiliate


Research keywords: Leprosy, TB, immunology, biomarkers, diagnostic tests, One Health, vaccines



My research focuses on identifying the genetic changes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis that result in resistance to Pyrazinamide, a key therapy. Using advanced genome sequencing, I intent to understand the evolutionary combat between pathogen and treatment by revealing these mechanisms. Currently I am investigating the phenotypic effects of specific resistance mutations, which are essential for drug development and patient care. To improve treatment efficacy and combat resistance, I intend to focused my future research on new drug combinations containing Pyrazinamide.

A deeper genetic understanding of Pyrazinamide's interactions with other anti-TB drugs could pave the way for more successful treatment regimens. The study of novel antibiotics targeting specific Pyrazinamide-resistant strains is critical. Novel compounds or therapies that evade resistance mechanisms could provide alternative treatments.



Key publications

  • Mutations Associated with Pyrazinamide resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: A Review and Update. Ananthi Rajendran and Kannan Palaniyandi*, published in the Journal of Current Microbiology 2022 Oct 8;79(11):348. doi: 10.1007/s00284-022-03032-y. PMID: 36209317.
  • A review on bovine tuberculosis in India. Refaya A K, Bhargavi G, Chinnu N, Ananthi R, Radhika K, Swaminathan S, Kannan Palaniyandi,* Tuberculosis 122 (2020) 101923.
  • Palaniyandi, K., Kumar, N., Veerasamy, Refaya, A., Balaji, S., Ananthi, R., Sujatha, N., Dhinakar, R., Swaminathan, S., & Peacock, S. Isolation and comparative genomics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from cattle and their attendants in South India. Sci Rep 9, 17892 (2019).
  • Refaya AK, Kumar N, Raj D, Veerasamy M, Balaji S, Shanmugam S, Ananthi R, Tripathy SP, Swaminathan S, Peacock SJ, Palaniyandi K. 2019. Whole-genome sequencing of a Mycobacterium orygis strain isolated from cattle in Chennai, India. Microbiol Resour Announc 8:e01080-19.


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