Debora Charles Kajeguka

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Microbiology and Immunology, KCMC, Tanzania







Network Affiliate


Research Keywords: 

Malaria, Arbovirus, Leishmaniasis, Clinical trials


Related Websites: 

Institute Website


Key Publications:

Mavura, A., Sigalla, G.., Muro, F., Malya, R., Nambunga, P.., Sam, N., Kajeguka, D.C., Physician prescription practice of antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infection at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre Moshi, Tanzania. African J Pharm Pharmacol 2018;12:408–16.

Horumpende, P.G., Said, S.H., Mazuguni, F.S., Antony, M.L., Kumburu, H.H., Sonda, T.B., Mwanziva, C.E., Mshana, S.E., Mmbaga, B.T., Kajeguka, D.C.,  Chilongola, Prevalence, determinants and knowledge  of antibacterial self-medication: A cross sectional study in North-eastern Tanzania. PLoS One 2018;13:1–13.

Kahema SE, Mgabo MR, Emidi B, Sigalla GN, Kajeguka DC. Factors Influencing Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV Infected Patients in Nyamagana-Mwanza , Northern Tanzania : A Cross Sectional Study. Int Arch Med Microbiol 2018;1:1–8.

Lyimo, S., Geoffrey, S., Emidi, B., Mgabo, M.R. & Kajeguka, D.C. (2018) Cross-sectional Survey on Antibiotic  Prescription  Practices Among Health Care Providers in Rombo District, Northern Tanzania. East African Health Research Journal, 2, 1–8.

Homenauth, E., Kajeguka, D.& Kulkarni, M.A. (2017). Principal component analysis of socioeconomic factors and their association with malaria and arbovirus risk in Tanzania: A sensitivity analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 71 (11).

Kajeguka, D.C., Kaaya, R.D., Desrochers, R., Iranpour, M., Kavishe, R.A., Mwakalinga, S., Schiøler, K.L., Alifrangis, M., Lindsay, L.R., Dibernardo, A., Mosha, F.W. & Kulkarni, M.A. (2017). Mapping clusters   of chikungunya and dengue transmission in northern Tanzania using disease exposure and vector data. Tanzania Journal of Health Research. 19 (4). p.pp. 1–12.

Kajeguka, D.C.& Moses, E.A. (2017). Self-medication practices and predictors for self-medication with antibiotics and antimalarials among community in Mbeya city, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Health  Research. 19 (4).

Goodluck, M., Basiliana, E., Mgabo, M., Sigalla, G. &Debora, C. Kajeguka, D. (2017) Community knowledge and attitudes on antibiotic use in Moshi Urban, Northern Tanzania: Findings from a cross sectional study. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 11, 1018–1026.

Kajeguka, D.C., Msonga, M., Schiøler, K.L., Meyrowitsch, D.W., Syrianou, P., Tenu, F., Alifrangis, M., Mosha, F.W. and Kavishe, R.A. (2017) Individual and environmental risk factors for dengue and chikungunya seropositivity in North-Eastern Tanzania. Infection, Disease & Health, 3 35–46.

Kajeguka, D., Desrochers, R.E., Mwangi, R., Mgabo, M.R., Alifrangis, M., Kavishe, R.A., Mosha, F.W. and Kulkarni, M.A. (2017) Knowledge and Practice Regarding Dengue and Chikungunya: a cross sectional study among Healthcare Workers and Community in Northern Tanzania. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 22(5) 583–593.