Lama Yimer

Lama Yimer

Instructor and Researcher   

Wollega University, Ethiopia






VALIDATE Role: Affiliate


Research Keywords

TB, zoonosis, AMR,Clinical trials



I have been working as an instructor and researcher in the School of Veterinary Medicine at Wollega University  since 2015. I am currently involved in research themes that focus on various aspects of zoonotic diseases and AMR.These themes emphasize on TB, Salmonellosis and fatal disease like  rabies. Molecular epidemiology, resistance profiles/associated risk factors,socioeconomic burden, and control and prevention strategies were targeted. Additionally, I am also studying problems related to antimicrobial resistance. Through my research, I aim to contribute to the field by providing detailed insights and evidence-based solutions to these pressing public health issues.

Key publication

Research Gate Profile


Web links of interest

Wollega University