Mikhail Biryukov

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Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Tel: +79 031494936

Email: Biryukov@mail.bio.msu.ru






Network Associate


Research Keywords:

Microbiology; Actinomycetes; New antibiotics



Mikhail Biryukov is a senior researcher at the Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia). Currently, his research mainly focuses on researching different econiches (e.g. insects’ nests, marines, highmountin soils etc.) in search of actinomycetes which produce valuable enzymes and drugs, especially active against pathogenic microorganisms. In collaboration with specialists from Skoltech, he developed high-throw output pipeline for fast determination of mechanisms of action of novel isolates. Previously he worked on interaction of humic substances with soil microbiota and their effects on resistance of soil ecosystems.

Upon completion of his doctoral dissertation, Mikhail worked at the Department of Biology (Chair of microbiology) studying the potential of the recombinant bacterial strains with luciferase reporter in the scope of environmental toxicology.


Related Websites:

Research Gate Profile  


Key Publications:

Istina Profile