Olivier Neyrolles
CNRS Research Director CNRS - Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, France Tel: +33 (0)5 61 17 54 75 Email: olivier.neyrolles@ipbs.fr
VALIDATE Role: Network Investigator
Research Keywords: Tuberculosis, Cellular models, Animal models Biography: My area of expertise covers host-pathogen interactions in tuberculosis, mycobacterial physiology, evolution and virulence, and immunity to TB. In particular I am interested in understanding the role of innate immune receptors, such as C-type lectins, in immunity to TB; in deciphering the links between mycobacterial physiology and virulence; and in developing subunit and live attenuated vaccines for TB.
Related Websites: Lab web page and Twitter
Key Publications: Souriant S, Balboa L, Dupont M, Pingris K, Kviatcovsky D, Cougoule C, Lastrucci C, Bah A, Gasser R, Poincloux R, Raynaud-Messina B, Al Saati T, Inwentarz S, Poggi S, Moraña EJ, González-Montaner P, Corti M, Lagane B, Vergne I, Allers C, Kaushal D, Kuroda MJ, Sasiain MC, Neyrolles O**, Maridonneau-Parini I**, Lugo-Villarino G**§ & C Vérollet**§. Tuberculosis exacerbates HIV-1 infection through IL-10/STAT3-dependent tunneling nanotube formation in macrophages. Cell Rep Accepted **Co-senior authors ; § Co-corresponding authors Freire D*, Gutierrez C*, Garza-Garcia A, Grabowska AD, Sala AJ, Ariyachaokun K, Panikova T, Beckham KSH, Colom A, Pogenberg V, Cianci M, Tuukkanen A, Boudehen YM, Peixoto A, Botella L, Svergun DI, Schnappinger D, Schneider TR, Genevaux P, de Carvalho LPS, Wilmanns M, Parret AHA** & O Neyrolles**. 2019 An NAD+ phosphorylase toxin triggers Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell death. Mol Cell Accepted *Co-authors ; **Co-senior & corresponding authors Bénard A, Sakwa I, Schierloh P, Colom A, Mercier I, Tailleux L, Jouneau L, Boudinot P, Al-Saati T, Lang R, Rehwinkel J, Loxton AG, Kaufmann SHE, Anton-Leberre V, O’Garra A, Sasiain MC, Gicquel B, Fillatreau S*, Neyrolles O* & D Hudrisier*. 2017 B cells producing type I interferon modulate macrophage polarization in tuberculosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med doi: 10.1164/rccm.201707-1475OC *Co-senior authors Troegeler A, Mercier I, Cougoule C, Pietretti D, Colom A, Duval C, Vu Manh TP, Capilla F, Poincloux R, Pingris K, Nigou J, Rademann J, Dalod M, Verreck FA, Al Saati T, Lugo-Villarino G, Lepenies B, Hudrisier D & O Neyrolles. 2017 C-type lectin receptor DCIR modulates immunity to tuberculosis by sustaining type I interferon signaling in dendritic cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114:E540-E549 Gouzy A, Larrouy-Maumus G, Wu TD, Peixoto A, Levillain F, Lugo-Villarino G, Gerquin-Kern JL, de Carvalho LP, Poquet Y & O Neyrolles. 2013 Mycobacterium tuberculosis nitrogen assimilation and host colonization require aspartate. Nat Chem Biol 9:674-6 Botella H, Peyron P, Levillain F, Poincloux R, Poquet Y, Brandli I, Wang C, Tailleux L, Tilleul S, Charrière GM, Waddell SJ, Foti M, Gao Q, Maridoneau Parini I, Butcher PD, Ricciardi Castagnoli P, Gicquel B, de Chastellier C & O Neyrolles. 2011. Mycobacterial P1-type ATPases mediate resistance to zinc poisoning in human macrophages. Cell Host Microbe 10:248-59 Tanne A, Ma B, Boudou F, Tailleux L, Botella H, Badell E, Levillain F, Taylor ME, Drickamer K, Nigou J, Dobos KM, Puzo G, Vestweber D, Wild MK, Marcinko M, Sobieszczuk P, Stewart L, Lebus D, Gicquel B & O Neyrolles. 2009 A murine DC-SIGN homolog contributes to early host defense against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J Exp Med 206:2205-20 Tailleux L, Pham-Thi N, Bergeron-Lafaurie A, Herrmann JL, Charles P, Schwartz O, Scheinmann P, Lagrange PH, de Blic J, Tazi A, Gicquel B & Neyrolles O. 2005. DC-SIGN induction in alveolar macrophages defines a privileged target host cell population for mycobacteria in patients with tuberculosis. PLOS Med 2:e381 Tailleux L, Schwartz O, Herrmann JL, Pivert E, Jackson M, Amara A, Legres L, Dreher D, Nicod LP, Gluckman JC, Lagrange PH, Gicquel B & Neyrolles O. 2003. DC-SIGN is the major Mycobacterium tuberculosis receptor on human dendritic cells. J Exp Med 197: 121-7