Samantha Sampson

Samantha Sampson


Stellenbosch University, South Africa







Network Director, Network Co-Director 2021-2024, Network Management Board Member, Management Team Member, Network Investigator


Research Keywords: 

TB, Persisters, Macrophage Models, PE/PPE Proteins, Mouse Models



I am a TB researcher with an interest in host-pathogen interactions. The overall goal of my Host-Pathogen Mycobactomics research group at Stellenbosch University is to gain a better understanding of how the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis interacts with its host to cause disease. To achieve this, we use molecular mycobacteriology and in vivo and in vitro infection models together with data-rich methodologies such as whole genome sequencing, transcriptomics, proteomics and flow cytometry. We have special interests in persister bacteria, PE/PPE proteins and drug resistance. 

I undertook my PhD research (on M. tuberculosis genome variation) at Stellenbosch University. Following this I took up a post-doctoral position at Harvard University, Boston, USA, working TB vaccine safety and efficacy testing in a variety of animal models. After this, I was awarded a Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellowship, and moved to Imperial College London, where I worked primarily on PE/PPE proteins, and also initiated my work on M. tuberculosis persisters. In 2013, I returned to South Africa, to take up a position and establish my research group at Stellenbosch University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.


Related Websites: 

Profile page at Stellenbosch University



Key Publications:

Available on NCBI