Vicente Larraga

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Senior Researcher

Center for Biological Research. Spanish Research Council, Spain

Tel: +34 91 8933112 






Network Investigator


Research keywords: Leismaniasis,  gene  expression, animal models, recombinant vaccines 



Vicente Larraga Rodriguez de Vera. M.D.; Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow at the School of Medicine at the Hebrew University and the Weizmann Institute at Israel. As well as at the John's Hopkins University (USA). He is responsible of the Molecular Parasitology Laboratory. Center for Biological Research. Spanish Research Council. He currently works in the development of recombinant vaccines and host protection mechanisms against Leishmania infantum, a parasite protozoa responsible for the leishmaniasis infection in Southern Europe. He published more than one hundred papers in books and international journals (between them: Nature, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, Lancet, Nucl. Ac. Res., etc). He was director of the Center for Biological Research and vicepresident of tha Spanish Research Council.


Weblinks of interest:



  • Pedro J. Alcolea, Ana Alonso, Miguel A. Moreno-Izquierdo, Maria A. Degayon, Inmaculada, Moreno; Vicente Larraga. Serum Removal from Culture Induces Growth Arrest, Ploidy Alteration, Decrease in Infectivity and Differential Expression of Crucial Genes in Leishmania infantum promastigotes (2016). PLOS One D01:10.1371/journal.pone.0150172.
  • Pedro J. Alcolea, Ana Alonso, Francisco Garcia-Tabares, Maria Del Carmen Mena, Sergio Ciordia, Vicente Larraga. "Proteome profiling of the growth phases of Leishmania pifanoi promastigotes in axenic culture reveals differential abundance of immunostimulatory proteins" (2016). Acta Tropica 158,240-247.
  • Abel Fernandez-Orgiler, Maria I. Martinez-Jimenez, Ana Alonso, Pedro J. Alcolea, Jose M. Requena, Maria C. Thomas, Luis Blanco, And Vicente Larraga." A putative Leishmania DNA polymerase theta protects the parasite against oxidative damage". (2016). Nucleic Acids Res. Jun 2;44(10):4855-70 (doi. 10. 1093 / nar/gkw346).
  • Yasmina E. Hernandez-Santana, Eduardo Ontoria, Ana C. Gonzalez-Garcia, M. Anton/Eta Quispe-Ricalde, Vicente Larraga, Basilio Valladares, Emma Carmelo. "Challenge of Stability in High-Throughput Gene Expression Analysis: Comprehensive Selection and Evaluation of Reference Genes for BALB/c Mice Spleen Samples in the Leishmania Infantum Infection Model". PLOs One.(doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163219. eCollection 2016).
  • Alcolea, P.J.; Alonso,A.M.; Larraga, V. Rationale for selection of developmentally regulated genes as vaccine candidates against Leishmania infantum infection. Vaccine, 2016 Oct 5Nov 4;34(46):5474-5478. pii: S0264-410X (1030788-5. doi: 10. 1016 / j. Vaccine. 2016 .08.081.