Yetemwork Aleka Amsalu


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Lecturer and Research Associate

University of Gondar, Ethiopia

Tel: +251911437081



VALIDATE Role: Network Associate


Research Keywords:

Leishmaniasis Immunology



I am proficient in many laboratory techniques including: molecular testing on clinical samples, stool examination, Gel electrophoresis and real time PCR, PBMC isolation and cryopreservation, microbial culture, ELISA, CBA, Skin dissociation, Flowcytometry, sample processing for Single cell RNA sequencing, and able to run Chromium controller. I have published six original paper in the field of biomedical sciences and others are under review and in preparation process. 

My leadership role includes managing all clinical and laboratory research initiatives at our Medical School as part of the collaborative research program between the University of Gondar and the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Ethiopia. I am excited to take advantage of this kind of scientific events to network with various research groups and specialists in the field leishmaniasis immunology. By doing so, I will be able to concentrate my efforts on addressing the problem of neglected tropical diseases in general in developing nations like Ethiopia.