Professor Tufária Nazimo Ibrahimo Mussá
Faculty of Medicine, Eduardo Mondlane Unievrsity, Mozambique
Diabetes Mellitus and cytokine profile in new Tuberculosis subjects with or without HIV in Maputo-south Mozambique.
Poster Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Mozambique suffers from a triple burden of Tuberculosis (TB) and is facing an epidemiological transition with an increase in non-transmissible diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of diabetes-Mellitus in new TB-cases with or without HIV and to compare the level of proinflammatory and inflammatory cytokines between the groups.
Methodology: Four-hundred-and fourteen subjects with tuberculosis were enrolled in four health centres in Maputo-the capital of Mozambique. Blood was collected for diabetes mellitus screening by measuring glycated haemoglobin. Two questionnaires were filled one to collect clinical information about TB and diabetes and another about risk factors and behaviour for diabetes, TB as well as socioeconomics. Then, 272 sera will be used for the quantification of the levels of TNFα, IL-8, IL-10, IL-1, Mip-1β, IL-4, IL-13, IL-15, IL-21, IL-12, and IL18 using
Luminex Magpix, and compared between HIV-TB and Diabetes or prediabetes and the nonHIV, non-diabetic or non-prediabetic. The frequency of diabetes was determined, and a comparison between groups was done using SPSS V21. Cytokines results will be analysed in GraphPad Prisma statistical package version 7.0. Statistic differences were considered significant when the p£0.05.
Preliminary Results: Of the 414, 62,6%(259/414) were male, and 37.4%(155/414) were female. The median age of the participants was 36 years (Min 9-Max 85), and the median body mass index was 19.3(Min 12.88 - Max 46.6). HIV prevalence was 40.8% and most of the HIVpositive subjects were in antiretroviral therapy (TDF+3TC+DTG). Regarding diabetes, 15.7%(65/414) were prediabetic and 13.3%(55/414) were diabetics. No statistically significant differences were seen between antiretroviral treatment, prediabetes, and diabetic subjects. The multivariable analysis did not show an association between any of the risk factors studies (smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activities, and income). The cytokines of serum are yet to be evaluated.
Preliminary Conclusion: The frequency of diabetics and prediabetes is higher, paving the need for integrated screening treatment and monitoring of diabetes in TB subjects.
Tufária Mussá
Orcid Profile
- Deputy Director for Research and Extension, and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.
- Reader of immunology/Virology, mentor, and supervisor of undergraduate, master's and doctoral students.
- Develops research on respiratory viruses (Respiratory Syncytial and Influenza Virus), Tuberculosis, Diabetes, and Blood Transfusion.
- Associate Investigator of the VALIDATE Network (Vaccine development for complex intracellular neglected pathogens).
- Investigator of the RSV Gold project.
- Ph.D. in Immunology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2012.
- Diploma in Veterinary Medicine, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane 2005
- Has experience in managing and implementing projects financed by the European Union, National Research Fund, and Institutional Development Fund.
- Has 23 publications in indexed and peer-reviewed journals.
- Member of the Management Board of Fundação Manhiça.
- Member of the National Pharmacovigilance Committee.
- Member of the Polio Expert Committee.