Dr Ugochukwu Madubueze
Federal Teaching Hospital Abakaliki Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Perception of Household Heads Towards Newer Vaccines: A Qualitative Study in Rural Nigeria
Poster Abstract
Authors: Ugochukwu C Madubueze1, Ifeyinwa C Okeke1, Urudinachi N Agbo1, Chinedu Iwu2
Keywords: Vaccination perceptions, Vaccine acceptance, Household heads, Nigeria
Aim: Multiple vaccines are currently undergoing clinical trials in response to pandemics and infectious diseases. This study was conducted to assess the perception of community stakeholders towards newer vaccines. To inform development of policies and strategies towards increasing uptake and vaccine acceptance.
Method: The study was a phenomenological research conducted in two local Government areas in Ebonyi State. We conducted ten focus group discussions (FGDs) with 100 house-hold heads. Participants were selected using purposive sampling while ensuring homogeneity in sex and age. An FGD interview guide was used for the FGDs. The Interview was done in the local dialect and translated to English by a professional translator. All qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis
Results: Majority of the respondents were males. The knowledge of household heads towards vaccination was generally good. Majority agreed that vaccination prevents the spread of diseases and protects individuals from serious illness. However, gaps could still be identified with respect to newer vaccines like the COVID-19 vaccine. There was general mistrust about newer vaccines as it was perceived by most participants as one that causes infertility, sterility amongst others. Willingness to vaccinate with newer vaccines was poor, majority will not recommend their household members or relatives to take the vaccines, and neither will they be the first set to take a new vaccine. It was generally noted that the fathers and mother-in laws were major decision makers in the households about issues concerning vaccination uptake.
Conclusion: The acceptance of newer vaccines among household heads positively influences the uptake of vaccination in the general population and as decision makers in their homes there is a need to address vaccine hesitancy amongst them before introducing newer vaccines into rural community. This could be done through community sensitization and policy formulations.