Weekly round-up #100

100th Round-up Celebration

Weekly round-up #100

We've made it to 100 round-ups! We hope that you, our members, find these weekly round-ups useful - do get in touch if you think there are other items we should include or something we could change to improve their usability for you.


Don't forget that the 4th round of the VALIDATE Mentoring Scheme is currently open, with the deadline for applications being 27 Jan 2020. For more details, or to apply, click here.


We'd also like to welcome our final new member of 2019, who will be joining VALIDATE as an Associate - welcome to Dr Sanjay Gautam (NIH, USA).


Find all other funding opportunities on our external funding page.


Training Opportunities:

Take a look at our training opportunities page for further ideas for your career development.


Nothing new spotted this week; our events page lists all upcoming events in our field.


Job Opportunities

You can view all the vacancies in our field on our job webpage.





Take a look at our publications page for papers of interest by our members and in the fields of our focus pathogens.


Highlights on Twitter this week: Advice for PhD applicants on how to write a research proposal; a Nature article discussing and defining 'predatory journals'; new podcast 'The Antigen' has its first episode on exploring the global impact of vaccines; promising news as an aerosolized melioidosis vaccine is in development; a 'financial crisis' hits IDRI's tuberculosis research, with approximately one third of their researchers being laid off; an article in The Economist addresses the problems we face with tuberculosis; WriteThatPhD suggestions for doctoral dissertations and PhD theses; ''eradication (of leprosy) without a vaccine is very difficult'' says WHO Team Leader Dr Erwin Cooreman; the Wellcome Trust give highlights from their 2018/2019 Annual Report; health officials in Kenya have reported dozens of new cases of leishmaniasis; and TAG release their report on tuberculosis research funding trends 2005-2018. All this and more @NetworkVALIDATE where you can easily keep up to date on news and opinions in our field.


We will be taking a two week break over the UK Christmas period, so a very Happy Christmas to those of you who celebrate it, and we look forward to a great year in 2020 for VALIDATE and our members.


Published: 18 December 2019