Weekly round-up #263


Welcome New Members

VALIDATE is pleased to welcome 11 new members. Click on their profile and get in touch to form your next research collaboration.

VALIDATE now has over 600 members and continues to grow. If you know a colleague who would benefit from VALIDATE membership, tell them to join today - www.validate-network.org/joining-validate


​​​Find a full list of all relevant external funding on our external funding page.​​

Training Opportunities and Events:​​​​​​

Find more event opportunities on our Training and Events pages.​​

Other relevant career opportunities are on our jobs page.



Check out our Publications Page for members' publications and email VALIDATE@ndm.ox.ac.uk if you have a paper you would like us to include.


Highlights on Twitter this week:

Nature Careers reported on white men dominating Super PI applications at the NIH and the Working Group on TB shared a petition calling on world leaders to support TB vaccine research. VALIDATE SAB member Danny Altman won at the BSI Awards, we shared a report on the Irish Badger TB programme, and the South African Government provided $10 million for mRNA TB vaccine research. Wiley Research released an open-access resource functional characterisation of predicting genomic elements from M.tb transcriptomic data and TB New Daily share a report on a new TB research breakthrough. Keep up to date with all the relevant news and opportunities by following @NetworkVALIDATE on Twitter. 

Published: 25 April 2023