Weekly round-up #124

VALIDATE Summer Seminar by UCD - Zoom

Weekly Round-up #124

In this week's round-up of news, information and opportunities, we celebrate holding our first online seminar of 2020.

First VALIDATE Online Summer Seminar

Yesterday, VALIDATE Members from 14 countries connected via Zoom for the first VALIDATE Online Seminar. Prof Siobhán McClean and Dr Julen Tomás Cortázar from University College Dublin, Ireland, talked about their work probing the protective immune response and developing a vaccine for melioidosis. The recording will be uploaded soon and VALIDATE members will be able to watch the talks and Q&A by first logging on to WebLearn and then clicking here.

Our next seminars will take place towards the end of July:


There's not much new in the way of funding, but the following deadlines are imminent:

Training Opportunities and Events:

The Training Opportunities and Events pages are regularly updated with the latest events that VALIDATE members will find interesting.

Job Opportunities: 

Our jobs page has an up to date list of roles relevant to our members.

Keep checking our Publications Page for an up to date list of our members' recent publications and email validate@ndm.ox.ac.uk if you have published recently so that we can flag your paper to the community.

Highlights on Twitter this week

We retweeted TB News Daily who shared a study on the impact of COVID-19 on TB Deaths and shared Nature Careers advice on what to do when your research comes under fire. We helped the IVA celebrate the elimination of polio in Nigeria, promoted Transvac training and celebrated our first Summer Seminar

Follow us on Twitter @NetworkValidate


Published: 01 July 2020