Weekly round-up #271




Tell VALIDATE about your Publications

This week, VALIDATE member Mario Alberto Flores-Valdez emailed VALIDATE to share his latest published journal article. We thought we would remind members how we work to increase visibility of publications.

VALIDATE has created a dedicated Publications Page on its website, where members' publications will be prominently featured. Additionally, VALIDATE actively promotes these publications on Twitter and Linkedin and our Weekly Round-ups, Monthly Updates and quarterly Newsletter. This means that your publication will be delivered in to the feeds and inboxes of our growing community of world-leading vaccine researchers.

VALIDATE members are encouraged to email their latest publications or relevant papers to validate@ndm.ox.ac.uk.

The First VALIDATE PhD Showcase - Register today

We now have a full roster of VALIDATE PhD students who will be showcasing their research and enhancing their presentation skills as part of the first VALIDATE PhD Showcase. This online event will feature quick-fire presentations from students, who will delve into their research area in just 8 minutes, followed by a 2-minute Q&A session. Afterwards, participants will engage in interactive workshops with senior VALIDATE Investigators, receiving personalized feedback and advice for future presentations. Scheduled for 12 September 2023 at 15:00 BST, this showcase aims to foster networking, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among global researchers in the field of tuberculosis.

Register now to hear some exciting new science and support your fellow VALIDATE Members - www.validate-network.org/event/phd-showcase 



​​​Find a full list of all relevant external funding on our external funding page.​​

Training Opportunities and Events:​​​​​​

​​​​Job Opportunities:

You can find up-to-date and relevant career opportunities are on our jobs page.



Check out our Publications Page for members' publications and email VALIDATE@ndm.ox.ac.uk if you want us to include a paper.


Highlights on Twitter this week:

The Stop TB Partnership shared an interview with their Executive Director Lucica Ditiu about financing TB R&D, the RSTMH opened nominations for their 2023 Medals and Awards, and ICHORDS are looking for new Steering Group members. Back in 2019, recently departed novelist Cormac McCarthy shared tips on how to write a great science paper, recent research has showed that women in science face challenges at all ages, and Nature invited postdocs to participate in their Global Careers Survey. News-Medical reported on the lessons learned about trained immunity during the COVID pandemic (and how this relates to BCG), Nature suggested that people should approach grant writing as if it were a film script, and the BSI asked members to share their thoughts about Flow Cytometry Training.

Keep up to date with all the relevant news and opportunities by following @NetworkVALIDATE on Twitter..

Published: 21 June 2023