3rd round of pump-priming funding awarded

3rd round of pump-priming funding awarded

The third round of VALIDATE pump-priming funding has been awarded, and we're delighted to annouce the projects funded are:


1. Protective efficacy of conserved Leishmania hypothetical proteins against visceral leishmaniasis

Led by Prof Myron Christodoulides (University of Southampton), with Assoc Prof Eduardo Coelho (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)


2. Metabolic reprogramming of skin microenvironment for improved BCG vaccine efficacy

Led by Titular Prof Francisco Javier Sánchez-García (instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico), with Dr Steven Smith (LSHTM, UK), Dr Barbara Kronsteiner-Dobramysl (University of Oxford, UK) and Prof Hazel Dockrell (LSHTM, UK)


3. Development of an RNA based vaccine Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Led by Dr Rhea Coler (IDRI, USA), with Dr Helen Fletcher (LSHTM, UK)


4. Developing a mouse model of diabetes to evaluate vaccines for TB and melioidosis

Led by Dr Elena Stylianou (University of Oxford, UK), with Prof Helen McShane(University of Oxford, UK), Assoc Prof Susanna Dunachie (University of Oxford, UK), Assoc Prof Paul Brett (University of Nevada, USA), Dr Barbara Kronsteiner-Dobramysl (University of Oxford, UK) and Dr Panjaporn Chaichana (MORU, Thailand)


5. Elucidating the T-cell epitopes and T-cell responses of two B. pseudomallei vaccine antigens

Led by Dr Julen Tomás Cortázar (University College Dublin, Ireland), with Prof Susanna Dunachie (University of Oxford, UK), Asst Prof Louise Gourlay(University of Milan, Italy), Prof Giorgio Colombo (University of Pavia, Italy), andDr Siobhán McClean (University College Dublin, Ireland)


We look forward to seeing what results these projects bring - and congratulations to the awardees!


You can read more about the projects, and other VALIDATE funded work here.


Published: 1 Apr 2019

3rd VALIDATE pump-priming grants awarded


Myron Christodoulides


Francisco Javier Sánchez-Garcia


Rhea Coler


Elena Stylianou


Julen Tomás Cortázar