Weekly round-up #144
Weekly Round-up #144
Welcome New VALIDATE Members
Our growing research community is slowly taking over the world, with VALIDATE adding representation in Portugal, Lithuania, Russia, Venezuela, and Croatia this month. This brings VALIDATE up to having 410 members based at 206 institutes in 59 countries, and this breadth of global interest in participating in VALIDATE illustrates the importance of this research area as a global priority.
Welcome to our eight new members:
Network Investigators
- Dr Dragomira Majhen is a Senior Research Associate at the University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Prof Daumantas Matulis is Head of Laboratory at the Institute of Biotechnology, Vilnius University, Lithuania
- Dr Jacobus de Waard is Chief of the Tuberculosis Department at the Institute Instituto de Biomedicina, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Network Associates
- Dr Mikhail Biryukov is a Senior Researcher at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Network Affiliates
- Ms Faria Hossain is a Research Officer at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research (ICDDR), Bangladesh
- Prof João Mesquita is a Professor at the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
Dr Wellington Owusu is a Postgraduate Researcher at the University of Surrey, UK
Miss Esther Uwimaana is a PhD candidate at Stellenbosch University and a Research fellow at Makerere University Lung Institute, Uganda
- LIGHT consortium PhD studentships- a UK Aid-funded programme that will deliver transformative research across a consortium of partners based in Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda and the UK - deadline 10 December 2020
- NRF Postdoctoral Fellowships - Freestanding, Innovation and Scarce Skills postdoctoral fellowships - deadline 31 December 2020
- NRF Thuthuka Funding - PhD Track, Post-PhD Track and NRF Rating Track opportunities – deadline 31 December 2020
Training Opportunities and Events:
- Oxford TB Meeting, Online, 26 November 2020
- Modelling the impact of COVID-19 interruptions on NTD programmes, Online, 2 December 2020
- Tuberculosis: Science Aimed at Ending the Epidemic, Online, 2 December 2020
More opportunities are to be found on our Training and Events pages.
Job Opportunities:
Production Scientist - Viral Vector Core Facility, University of Oxford, UK, deadline 30 November 2020
Project Manager in Melioidosis Vaccine Development, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford UK, deadline 14 December 2020
Assistant/Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA, deadline 26 December 2020
There are many more relevant career opportunities on our jobs page.
Hydrophobic mycobacterial antigens elicit polyfunctional T cells in mycobacterium bovis immunized cattle: association with protection against challenge?, Benedictus L et al, including VALIDATE member Martin Vordermeier, in Frontiers in Immunology
An immunomodulatory role for the mycobacterium tuberculosis Acr protein in the formation of the tuberculous granuloma, Healy EF et al, in FEBS Letters
Mucosal delivery of a multistage subunit vaccine promotes development of lung-resident memory t cells and affords interleukin-17-dependent protection against pulmonary tuberculosis, Counoupas C et al, in NPJ Vaccines
Safety and immunogenicity of the GamtbVac, the recombinant subunit tuberculosis vaccine candidate: a Phase ii, multi-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, Artem P. Tkachuk AP et al, in MDPI
Find more articles by our members on our publications page.
Highlights on Twitter this week:
Bactivac published their November newsletter, the Stop TB Partnership published their Step Up For TB Report 2020 and the Centre for Neglected Tropical Diseases celebrated the World Health Assembly endorsing a road map for neglected tropical diseases. TB News Daily shared an article about global health experts calling for a policy shift to revitalize war on tuberculosis and the eLife Journal shared an interesting article on how new tuberculosis treatments might be developed from analysing the shapes of mutant bacteria. VALIDATE member Heidi Larson was interviewed about vaccine hesitancy, EDCTP released a visual essay from the perspective of NTD sufferers, and the Vaccine Safety Net shared WHO's guide on how vaccines work. All this and more can be found on our Twtter feed - @NetworkVALIDATE.
Published: 18 November 2020